Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trends in the workplace

Heh! My dears, who said the workplace can not be a stylish place????? 

You actually have to look fabolous at work at all times because thats where you spend most of the time. Imagine looking "ewww" for a 40 hour in 8hours a day, five days a week, thats a typical working week for many people. 
So yeah, looking fab pays in many ways...First of all, you feel confident. You feel good when u dress bien.So that self fulfillment and satisfaction is already a good feeling and motivation for you to work better. 

None the less, some workplaces have uniforms. But still that doesnt stop you from looking fab!  Anyways, so since its all about the workplace, I am introducing to u, my dears, a category called 
"Trends in the workplace"
This will feature different trends in the working industry. Not necessarily based on seasons(spring,summer,autumn and winter) or the "up-to-date fashion". It will include a mix of old styles, cultures, gender etc. I will display pictures of "my taste" of a typical working girl or boy or both...if u have ideas feel free to share them too.

Photo Credits to Krisztinawilliams.. Get more from

I'll start with myself. I worked at Ilboru Safari Lodge in Arusha Tanzania.
The Masai print (Culture) was once the uniform at the restaurant.

                                                The pictures were taken way back in 2010

Monday, April 15, 2013


Hey dears,

Did u know bullying, violence and harassment happens at the workplace too?
Have u ever felt bullied while working?
Today, i'll write about bullying. 
Actually, instead of writing....i'll share my notes with you since they are straight forward and worth knowing.

There are different types of bullying as illustrated below:

The Constant Critic

Dear Managers please be sure to differentiate between good management vs Bullying.
I hope you have become a step wiser by adding more knowledge on bullying at the workplace xxx

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Social Networks

Hey dears,

When it comes to the issue of social networks.....I Shake My Head!
    There is facebook for everything, Twitter for tweets and more of current issues alert, Instagram for uploading pictures only, then Keek for 36 seconds videos and now even for 6 seconds video( I forgot the name). well, there are just too many social programs, the ones i mentioned are just a few common ones. Oh well, then dont forget Whatsupp Viber Ebuddy Bbm and other mobile chatting programs.
     All these programs help us to stay connected. So even no, as i am blogging, all these Blogs help us to connect...making uniting possible.
   However, at the workplace, the use of social networks is strictly prohibited unless during break times and in the exception of certain company's policies. Its even worse when an employee is using the company's asset. In most cases employers premises are monitered. So when u dare facebook or tweet, it directly sends signals to the employer. Therefore to be on the safe side, just avoid social networks at the workplace.

That's all. Till then, xxx

Friday, April 12, 2013

Labour & Poverty in Rural Tanzania

Hey dears,

Its been almost a month,less four days, since i received my copy of the book "Labour and poverty in rural Tanzania-Ujamaa and rural development in the United Republic of Tanzania". Good news is, i did not have to buy it nor did i get it from Paul Collier. Guess who give it to me?
Oh well, i got it as a present from someone soo dear to me. A very important person in my life. I actually got it as a suprise. I did not know it was the book i wanted for so long...because i had given up on it and other stuff kept on piling up, so actually,  i literally forgot about it. Then THERE! JUST LIKE THAT! i got it...Anyways, so im gonna read it, understand it and share it with y'all!

God bless you all and most importantly to the person who gave me the book! I Love youuuu!

Waiting to hear all about the book huh? Okay till then xxx
I'm doing my exams now so not anytime soon dears.

Nyota Yako

Yeah Dears, im on a roll with posts today. Lol! Anyways, all about Tanzania!!! 

So another adorable & inspiring lady is Nancy Sumari. She recently launched her own book called 
" Nyota Yako" which basically means "your star" isnt that inspiring? just the title of the book itself brings in some positive and motivational force in you.
 Anyways, so i thought i should share the news with you.
All of these activities are involved with how much you want something...the passion..the effort and most of all the faith you have to achieve it. So yeah, be a change people! Be good and be an inspiration to the next generation.

Pictures source: google image but ofcourse is the real source

Nancy explains about "Nyota Yako"

Video credits: Shamim Mwasha

Nothing to do in relation to the Labour World- this is part of the rollercoaster in achieving the labour degree! xxx


Hey Dears,

Recently, as i was browsing on Haki Ngowi's web, i saw a post on april 10th 2013 on "ShuleDirect". 
So this is how i came across these interesting news on the launch of "shuledirect" in Tanzania. 
The "ShuleDirect" program is aimed to improve the education for secondary students in both private and public schools. is an interactive portal where secondary students can log in and have a 101 session with getting help from teachers. In addition, students can also do quizzes and submit them. 
I'm happy to hear any secondary student can access this student portal free of charge.

However, i have a concern on the outreach of this program, the accessibility to those studying in public schools especially in the rural areas where there have limited resources. If it means all secondary government schools should all have internet access for the program to work effectively then that should be in place. 
The ShuleDirect project is a good investment and i would not want to see a waste of such good effort put together by Faraja Kotta Nyalandu and others. i am concerned on public schools since the majority of secondary students in Tanzania go to government schools directly after primary school. I wish i found statistics to support my point view however there isnt any from recent data in the internet. so take it from me just like this..speaking as a Tanzanian that's the truth. In the exception of those who can afford private secondary schools in which i aint much concerned because the majority of these schools are stable to offer ShuleDirect program to their students. None the less, it means parents should push on this program so that their children can get more familiar to the program. When a child is idle then he or she can log onto shuledirect and solve a few questions :)
Anyways, that being said. i would like to say a big hongera to Faraja Kotta Nyalandu, the founder of shuledirect. Indeed she is inspiring.

pictures source: Haki Ngowi.
video: youtube put by Shamim Mwasha

Now Listen & Watch Faraja Kotta Nyalandu as she explains about ShuleDirect

Proud to see Tanzania rising! polepole tu, solutions to last years perfomance in final exams for secondary students zitapatikana tu!